Denial is not a River in Egypt.

October 15, 2010

“Never believe anything until it has been officially denied.”
— Claud Cockburn

Thomas Jefferson on Honesty….

October 15, 2010

“Honesty is the first chapter in the book of wisdom.”
Thomas Jefferson

Inner Knowing and understanding ourselves…..

October 14, 2010

When we find the divine in all we have it in ourselves.

Living present time.

October 10, 2010

Thanksgiving is about living in grace and appreciating the differences we have. In Vancouver we have the largest interracially harmonious married couples or common law in Canada. Montreal and Toronto have very large segregated neighborhoods. And only 3 per cent of the population in Montreal marry interracial marriages. Toronto at 6.1 and Vancouver the highest in Canada at 7.2 per cent.

We forgot the tickets!

October 10, 2010

We got the the game really fast; in fifteen minutes or so and it seemed like we were in a space ship….LOOK at the picture…. I think we Landed on Mars! (?) Hot Chocolate on MARS was good, but MARS was a bit cold in the evening….But we saw these funny players on a field….

of Mariana1s historycal moment

It’s her birthday!! (but don’t tell anyone!)

Mariana’s 17th Birthday CELEBRATION: October 7th, 2010

October 10, 2010

To a lovey soul who lives with such sunshine..
.. and Grace: Mariana had a great 17th birthday at the soccer game; before the soccer game and even after…We went together to See Portland and VANCOUVER play on her birthday….She had lots of fun and she said she LOVED the Hot Chocolate and the RED BALOON with the music NOTES on it….She had the balloon on her wrist while we were at the game….oh and Cool thing is, Vancouver wonder the soccer game…. 2 – nothing.
We sang MADDONA songs along the way to the GAME and the birthday song that I dedicated to her was,
VIVERE (To Live) with Boccelli and Celine Dione…. she love it….

The Five Pillars of Relationships: Click on the LINK …..

October 1, 2010

Do you want MORE EFFECTIVE RELATIONSHIPS in your life?

We know this very book, THE FIVE PILLARS OF RELATIONSHIPS, reads more like a new way of thinking and revitalizes what it means to be mastering all areas of our lives…..The Five Pillars of Relationships are REALLY tools and tips to be a better in tuned consciousness and align with ones inner intuitive Self, beyond jusy being a person, but rather, to the source that is within us all.

October 1, 2010

The Ballard of Reading Gaol by Oscar Wilde.

October 1, 2010

“And all men kill the thing they love,
By all let this be heard,
Some do it with a bitter look,
Some with a flattering word,
The coward does it with a kiss,
The brave man with a sword!”

The Etheric Brain & Its Function(s).

September 30, 2010

The Etheric Brain is nonLinear and is VERY Fast…..We are all Infinite Love & in Valuing all that exists MUST come from an inner Knowing and understanding that we are all one and in Being human, we realize and become aware and observe that we begin knowing, we are more than being “a person.” Actually that is not who we are! Our inner ENERGY is who we really are; we are becoming a part of what we are inside and attract that which we Are INSIDE. The Kind of thoughts we have we create by being in tune with that invisible inner guidance that is within each one of us….

WE can call it the ELECTRO MAGNETIC FIELDS….that are invisble….by looking at these closer we can start to understand how thoughts came from or originate from….or at least contemplate their existence within each one of us once again….